Job Opportunities

CUPE Unit 1 Job Postings

All Unit 1 job postings for Teaching Assistant and Course Instructor positions may be viewed on the university’s centralized Unit 1 job posting board .

To apply, please view the application procedures for CUPE Unit 1 positions.

CUPE Unit 3 Job Postings

All Unit 3 job postings for Sessional Lecturer and Writing Instructor positions may be viewed on the university’s centralized Unit 3 job posting board .

To apply, please view the application procedures for CUPE Unit 3 positions.

Continuously Posted Notices

These notices are posted in accordance with the CUPE Unit 3 Collective Agreement. Most of our annual job notices are posted in late June – August.

Continuously Posted Notice – Sessional Lecturer – CUPE Unit 3

Continuously Posted Notice – Writing Instructor – CUPE Unit 3

Don’t know what to apply for?

Contract instructors at the University of Toronto are represented by the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 3902 (CUPE 3902 ). The following descriptions will help you determine which CUPE Unit job postings you are eligible to apply for:

CUPE Unit 1:

represents University of Toronto students, mainly graduate students, working as Teaching Assistants, Teaching Laboratory Assistants, markers, graders and instructors.

CUPE Unit 3:

represents employees (who are not currently University of Toronto students) engaged in teaching, demonstrating, tutoring or marking/grading on contracts of less than one year.

If you have any questions about which positions to apply for, please contact us at